47 posts

Air Force Documents on Gen AI Test Are Just Whole Pages of Redactions
The Air Force paid a company that is doing generative AI work for the government. The Air Force won't say what it did, though.

Here's the Video for Our Fifth FOIA Forum: Federal Records
Here is the video archive for our FOIA Forum where we went deep on getting federal government records.

Our New FOIA Forum! 1/23, 1PM EST
Come learn how to pry government records from the new Trump administration.

'FYI. A Warrant Isn’t Needed': Secret Service Says You Agreed To Be Tracked With Location Data
The Secret Service has used a technology called Locate X which uses location data harvested from ordinary apps installed on phones. Because users agreed to an opaque terms of service page, the Secret Service believes it doesn't need a warrant.

Inside the Plan to Use AI to Purge Voter Rolls
Audio obtained from board of elections meetings in Georgia show how a tool called EagleAI was pitched to election officials.

Internal Emails Reveal How Hate Overwhelmed Springfield After Trump's Lies About Haitian Immigrants
Internal emails from Springfield, Ohio reveal what has happened in the city after Donald Trump and JD Vance spread the conspiracy that Haitians are eating pets.

Delivery Robot Knocked Over Pedestrian, Company Offered ‘Promo Codes’ to Apologize
When a Starship employee talked to the police, the report says, he asked for the employee’s information “so he could contact her and offer their insurance information for her injuries and ‘promo codes.’”

The Air Force Is Researching a ‘MAD.AI’ That Would Adapt Drones to New Environments
The Air Force has contracted with a company called Qylur, whose tool is designed to continuously improve the AI systems of autonomous devices such as drones and UAVs.

The DEA Really Didn’t Want to Release Records About Its Retirement Medals for Some Reason
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request over some frivolous records shows how agencies are increasingly refusing to release details on what the U.S. government spends its money on.

DHS Has a DoS Robot to Disable Internet of Things ‘Booby Traps’ Inside Homes
"NEO carries an onboard computer and antenna array that will allow officers the ability to create a ‘denial-of-service’ event to disable ‘Internet of Things’ devices that could potentially cause harm while entry is made."

Police Really Want a Cybertruck, Email Shows
The Anaheim Police Department said it wanted to be the first department with a Cybertruck, according to an internal email obtained by 404 Media. But the company advertising the modified vehicles hasn’t actually made one yet, the police said.

FOIA Forum with a PACER Expert! 7/31, 1PM EST
Our next FOIA Forum is going to be with the world's best expert on digging up U.S. court records Seamus Hughes!