Artificial Intelligence

7 posts
The Backlash Against AI Scraping Is Real and Measurable

The Backlash Against AI Scraping Is Real and Measurable

In the last year, the number of websites specifically restricting OpenAI and other AI scraper bots has gone through the roof.
University Suspends Students for AI Homework Tool It Gave Them $10,000 Prize to Make

University Suspends Students for AI Homework Tool It Gave Them $10,000 Prize to Make

Emory University gave students a $10,000 entrepreneurial prize for their AI startup, then suspended them and accused them of cheating when they built it.
The Dystopian Future of TV Is AI-Generated 'FAST' Garbage

The Dystopian Future of TV Is AI-Generated 'FAST' Garbage

TCL's new AI-generated movie "Next Stop Paris" is the next evolution in the algorithmification of TV.
Inside the World of TikTok Spammers and the AI Tools That Enable Them

Inside the World of TikTok Spammers and the AI Tools That Enable Them

This is where AI generated formats, Minecraft splitscreens, Reddit stories, 'Would You Rather' videos, and deep sea story spam come from.
'Dogs Will Pass Away': Hackers Steal Dog Rescue's Facebook Page, Turn It Into AI Content Farm

'Dogs Will Pass Away': Hackers Steal Dog Rescue's Facebook Page, Turn It Into AI Content Farm

Facebook pages that are posting stolen, AI-generated content have hacked and rebranded pages previously owned by a dog rescue, a dance studio, and a metal music concert promoter.
Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation
Artificial Intelligence

Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation

A technique used by Google researchers to reveal ChatGPT training data is now banned by OpenAI.
Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data
Artificial Intelligence

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more.