FOIA Forum

Our Third FOIA Forum! 3/6, 2PM EST

We are hosting our third FOIA Forum at the start of March. Join the livestream, file FOIAs with us, get tips, and more.
Our Third FOIA Forum! 3/6, 2PM EST
Image: 404 Media.

It’s nearly that time again! We’re planning our third FOIA Forum, a live, hour-long (maybe a little bit more; almost certainly more, come on) interactive session where Joseph and I will talk about how we approach filing public records requests and will file them in real-time. We’re planning this for Wednesday, 6th March at 2 PM Eastern. Add it to your calendar! We will send our paid subscribers a link to join the livestream a day or so before. Not a subscriber yet? Sign up now here in time to join.

So, what’s the FOIA Forum? Joseph and I will be there, and we’ll share our screen and show you specifically how we file FOIA requests. We take questions from the chat and incorporate those into our FOIAs in real-time. We’ll also check on some requests we filed last time. But if this will be your first FOIA Forum, don’t worry, you absolutely do not need to start from the beginning (although if you do want to watch the recordings, they are available to paying subscribers, the first one is here). We really love talking directly to our community about something we are obsessed with (getting documents from governments) and showing other people how to do it too.

We've got a bunch of FOIAs that we need to file and are keen to hear from you all on what you want to see more of. Most of all, we want to teach you how to make your own too. Please consider coming along!
