
Instacart’s AI Recipes Look Literally Impossible

Instacart is showing customers images of AI-generated food and recipes with ingredients that don’t seem to exist.
Instacart’s AI Recipes Look Literally Impossible
Instacart's AI-generated images for Mochi and Mulberry Pie.

I hate cookbooks without pictures. We eat with our eyes first, as chefs love to say, but what’s more important to me is that if I’m making a dish for the first time, I want to see what the final product should look like to know I did it right. It’s not so much about presentation as it is about knowing that I browned the chicken skin enough.

An image of a recipe will not be this useful, I think, if it was AI-generated, and especially so if the fact that the image was AI-generated wasn’t disclosed by the recipe. That, to my surprise, is exactly the case with thousands of recipes the grocery delivery service Instacart is suggesting to its users. Some of the recipes include unheard of measurements and ingredients that don’t appear to exist. Business Insider first reported about Instacart's AI generated recipes last month.
