Behind The Blog

Behind the Blog: 'Magical' AI That's Human Labor, Sinister Chatbots, and Damage Control

This week, we got some good business coaching from an unlikely place, and pulled back the curtain on a 3D modeling company.
Behind the Blog: 'Magical' AI That's Human Labor, Sinister Chatbots, and Damage Control

This is Behind the Blog, where we chat about how a few of our top stories came together. This week, we're sharing how we uncovered a company claiming to use AI in 3D modeling that sources said employ humans behind the scenes, tech hype buzzwords, and a Silicon Valley-backed chatbot that gives out very questionable advice.

JOSEPH: Jason heard a tip about this AI company called Kaedim. Apparently, Kaedim offered 2D to 3D image conversion with artificial intelligence, but was actually using human workers. That was the tip, at least. The 3D artist community had scrutinized Kaedim’s practices when the company published a job listing looking for artists themselves. But no one, it seemed, had spoken to people with actual knowledge of Kaedim’s work process. So that’s what we needed to do.
